February 15, 2025

Long Cazel

Personalized Touch

Good Outdoor Design Guidelines


Outdoor spaces are some of the most valuable features in a home. They’re also some of the most important to get right. If you don’t take the time to consider how your outdoor space will fit with your home and needs, it might turn into a space that’s not very useful or not used at all. To help you create an outdoor space that works for everyone, here are some design guidelines.

Take a look at historic homes and gardens.

The best way to get a feel for what your home’s exterior should look like is by taking a tour of historic homes and gardens in your neighborhood. You can also find inspiration from older photos of your own home, if you have any!

Make sure your outdoor space fits with your home.

If you are planning to add a new outdoor space to your home, make sure it fits with the style of your home. If you have an older Victorian-style house, for example, it would be best to avoid adding a modernist patio or deck because it will clash with the overall look of your home.

If you want to create an outdoor living area that feels like part of the inside of your house without compromising privacy, consider adding French doors between them so they can be closed when needed but still connected visually.

When building an outdoor dining area in front of a window or door leading inside (known as transoms), consider using glass panels instead of solid wood doors so guests don’t feel closed off from those inside while enjoying their meal at night time when there is no natural light coming through windows anymore.”

Take a picture of the sun’s path throughout the year.

Knowing the sun’s path throughout the year is essential to designing a good outdoor space. The best way to do this is by taking pictures of it at different times of day, or by making notes about where you were in relation to the sun at different times of day.

For example, if you want to know what time of day will give you maximum shade from an overhanging tree branch or roofline, take photos from various angles throughout the year (and make notes). If you want to know how much light reaches under your deck during certain seasons and times of day, take pictures and make notes on how far away from those surfaces are when taking them (for example: “I’m standing at least 10 feet away from my deck”).

Consider how you’ll use your outdoor space.

When you’re designing your outdoor space, it’s important to consider how you’ll use it. Will it be a place for entertaining? A source of relaxation? Or both? The answers to these questions will help determine which kinds of furniture and lighting are right for the area.

If you want an outdoor room that can double as a dining area, make sure there is enough room for guests and their chairs–and keep in mind that many people prefer sitting on cushions rather than chairs when eating outdoors (which means those cushions need somewhere to go!). If your goal is to have an area where kids can play safely without getting into trouble indoors, consider building some sort of barrier between their play area and other parts of the yard so they don’t wander off unexpectedly; this could be as simple as putting up some fencing around it or planting thorny shrubs along its edges.

The same goes for safety during inclement weather: if rainstorms are frequent where you live but thunderstorms aren’t common enough yet this year (or ever), consider installing lightning rods on any tall structures in order to prevent electrical fires caused by lightning strikes hitting those objects instead

Consider building a deck or patio.

  • Consider the location of your deck or patio. Will it be in an area that gets a lot of sun? If so, consider using materials that require little maintenance (for example, wood) and are less likely to fade in sunlight.
  • Think about size: Do you want something small enough for just two people or something large enough for a party?
  • Think about materials: For example, if you’re looking at natural stone pavers like slate or bluestone as opposed to concrete pavers like brick or stone–which would be better? Slate can last longer than other types because they’re not prone to cracking as easily as other materials used in construction projects around homes like decks and patios; however, they also cost more money upfront than some other options so keep this in mind before making any decisions!

Plan for outdoor furniture, including dining and lounging areas.

While outdoor furniture is a great way to add style and comfort to your patio or deck, it’s important that you plan ahead. Consider how you will use the space, what you will be eating and drinking, how many people will be using the space, and how much time they’ll spend there. Once these factors are determined (and depending on their answers), then move onto deciding which type of furniture would best suit each area of your outdoor entertaining area.

Build an outdoor fire pit and seating area.

  • Build an outdoor fire pit and seating area.
  • Consider the type of seating you want to use as well as what type of fire pit you want to build. You can build it out of stone or brick, and make sure it’s large enough for all your guests to sit around comfortably. If you’re feeling creative, try using different kinds of wood for the actual structure–this will give it a really rustic look!

You can build an outdoor space that fits with your home and needs through good design planning

Outdoor spaces are an important part of the home and can be used for a variety of purposes. Whether you want to entertain guests, enjoy time with family or simply relax by yourself, adding an outdoor space will make your home feel complete.

When planning your new outdoor space, it’s important that you take into account how and where you plan on using it. For example: if there is no shade around your pool area then it may not be the best place for children who like playing outside during summer months when temperatures soar above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37 Celsius). Instead think about creating an area where they can play safely without being exposed too much heat from the sun’s rays or even insects such as mosquitos!


Designing your outdoor space is a fun process that can be done in many ways. You can start with a blank canvas and build from there, or you can work with what you have and make it better by adding some new pieces. The most important thing to remember is that the design needs to fit with your home and lifestyle so that it feels like part of your regular living space–not something separate or special just because it’s outside!