February 18, 2025

Long Cazel

Personalized Touch

Top 5 Things To Consider When Choosing A Home Exterior


Homes are built to last, but they’re never set in stone. There’s always room for improvement and change, especially when it comes to the home exterior. Here are five things you should keep in mind when considering your exterior:

1. Know the house’s style.

  • Know the house’s style.

If you’re building a new home, this is pretty simple: pick a style and go with it. But if you’re remodeling or renovating an existing structure, it can be more difficult to determine what type of exterior will work best for your property. In addition to considering whether your neighborhood has any particular architectural influences (midcentury modern or Tudor?), think about what kind of weather patterns are common in your area–are there strong winds? Is rain frequent? How hot does it get in summer? Answering these questions will help narrow down which materials will suit them best (more on that later).

2. Think about function and flow.

The second thing to consider when choosing a home exterior is function and flow. Your home’s exterior should be designed in such a way that it works with the rest of your home, making it easy for you to move from room to room, patio to patio or yard to yard.

For example: if you have an open floor plan inside your house and want something similar on your outside, then pick materials that complement each other so they look like they belong together (like brick or stone). If instead you have many different rooms inside with walls separating them off from each other–and don’t want this same arrangement outside–then keep the materials separate (wood siding vs stucco).

3. Think about how much maintenance you want to do.

The third thing to consider is how much maintenance you want to do.

It’s important for you to know that your home exterior will need some work over time. The roof will eventually leak, the siding might crack or peel off, the windows might rot and need replacing, etc. If this idea makes your skin crawl (as it does mine), then maybe a vinyl wrap isn’t right for you!

If it’s not enough already that there are so many different styles and materials available when choosing an exterior paint job–and they change every year anyway–now we have all these fancy new ways of making our homes look good without painting them at all! It can be pretty overwhelming trying to figure out which option is best for each individual situation; luckily there are plenty of websites out there that can help walk through all those choices with ease!

4. Take into account the climate where you live.

  • Temperature. This is the most obvious factor to consider when choosing a house exterior. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, such as Florida or California, it might make sense for you to go with something that’s more resistant to heat and sun damage (such as vinyl). In other areas where winters are milder and summers aren’t quite so humid and hot, wood may be a better option because it won’t warp or crack as easily under those conditions.
  • Rainfall/snowfall/ice accumulation potential. How much precipitation does your home get each year? If there’s plenty of rain or snowfall during winter months but none during summer months–or vice versa–then this could be an important factor in determining which material would best suit your needs.* Sun exposure level.* Wind speed/direction (if applicable).

5. Consider how you’ll use your outdoor space, both now and in the future (especially if it will be for kids or pets).

It’s important to consider how you will use your outdoor space, both now and in the future. If you’re entertaining often and want to fit a lot of people on your patio or deck, make sure there’s enough room for everyone. If you have children or pets who will be using the space regularly, think about how they’ll interact with it–for example, do they need somewhere quiet where they can play?

If you’re looking for ways to make your home more comfortable year-round without breaking down walls or adding additional rooms (and thus increasing energy costs), consider installing something like an outdoor fireplace so that when winter weather arrives, everyone can gather around one central location instead of being spread out across multiple rooms inside.

Your home exterior is an important part of creating an outdoor living space that serves your needs

Your home exterior is an important part of creating an outdoor living space that serves your needs. The exterior of your home is the first thing people see when they visit, and it’s also the first thing you see when you look out your windows. Your home exterior is a reflection of your style and taste, so it should be something that speaks to who you are as a person–whether that means traditional or modern; classic or whimsical; rustic or contemporary.

As with all things in life, there are pros and cons to each type of design style (or combination thereof). If we’re talking about materials used on the outside walls themselves then brick would probably win over vinyl siding because it looks better longer — but if we’re talking about overall appearance then maybe not? A well-maintained stone veneer could certainly compete with either option!


We hope you’ve found this guide helpful in making your own decisions about your home’s exterior. Whether you’re looking to create an outdoor living space or just want to make a few changes, we encourage you to think about the five things we outlined above: style, function and flow, maintenance needs, climate and usage patterns. By doing so, you can ensure that whatever choices you make will be right for both now and the future!